Yammer was launched at the TechCrunch50 event in Las Vegas on September 8th 2008. It’s an Enterprise Social network and was an idea of David Sacks and his team. Yammer was adopted by a lot of organisations because of the freemium model and it was acquired by Microsoft in 2012. Microsoft has been integrating Yammer into the existing portfolio ever since and has also included it as a service of Office 365. Yammer Enterprise is now included for any organisation with a license for Office 365 and we have a lot of experience in integrating Yammer effectively with SharePoint. More information about the this van be found via the following link.
Most organisations activate Yammer Enterprise, but they stare at it from a distance afterwards. You will see activity from teams running projects on Yammer even without any intervention, but these groups are primarily private groups. On average, twice as much private groups will be created as public groups, while the open groups have most potential. Organisations that introduce Yammer correctly will notice that the management will be more connected with the workforce and that employees look beyond what they are formally responsible for.
There have been doubts about the future of Yammer. This was primarily due to the introduction of Office 365 Groups which had deeper integration with other Office 365 services. Microsoft has now also introduced Teams and Yammer is still regularily getting updates and new features. The integration into Office 365 hasn’t yet been perfected, but Yammer as a platform won’t be deprecated anytime soon and with Office 365 enabled Yammer groups Microsoft has taken another major step into alligning their services. Interested to know more? Call us at +3120 89 34 347 or schedule a call with an expert.